What drives us

At Business Consulting New Zealand we’re on a mission to help Business Owners succeed. That’s why we work long-term with Business Owners to help them improve the profit, growth and value of their Business.

We understand that success means different things to different business owners, which is why we understand what success means to you and work with you on your path to achieve it. We understand the problems business owners face, and most importantly we understand the landscape of New Zealand Businesses and the Kiwi way of doing business.


“Our purpose is to transform and improve businesses on a national scale.”

- David Thexton, Co-Founder

How we work together

We use the title Business Success Partner because this accurately describes what we do: work with Business Owners, as a partner in your business to build business success, together.

Within our network we have Business Success Partners located all around New Zealand, ready to leverage their experience and work with you towards success.

Let’s build business success together

Find out where your business is leaking profit and what we can do to help.

Get in touch to book a FREE no-obligation Business Diagnostic session.