BCNZ Partners with Xero

Business Consulting New Zealand is a Xero Certifed Partner

Xero needs no introduction as New Zealand's leading Accounting Software.

You've probably seen at least a few of the 100,000+ Accountants and Bookkeepers that display the Xero Partner logo. It’s no secret that the platform’s easy-to-use design has made it the first choice here and around the world.

Business Consulting New Zealand is proudly a Xero Partner.

Business Consulting New Zealand has formally Partnered with Xero.

“This is another endorsement to demonstrate [Business Consulting New Zealand’s] professionalism to potential clients.” - Julius Bloem, Managing Director

Xero Certified Partner

What is a Xero Certified Partner?

A Xero Certified Partner is an Accountant, Bookkeeper, or Advisor that has successfully trained to use, and demonstrated proficiency with Xero.

They have access to advanced features and additional education to better help advise their clients.

Xero has minimum standards, an application process and a certification course for individuals and organisations that wish to become a Xero Certified Partner.

Using Financial Performance to Advise on Business Improvement & Growth

Here at Business Consulting New Zealand, we work with NZ Businesses to Improve Profit, Growth & Business Value.

It’s critical we can accurately measure financial performance to provide the best recommendations to improve a business. As referenced in our KPI article, Peter Drucker famously said “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it”.

We use Xero, and the financial statements it provides for the basis of measurement. Additionally, we extract this data for use in our management meetings, creating visual and easy-to-understand reports. This is all for the sole reason to gain a clear understanding of past and present business performance, in order to improve the future.

Business Consulting New Zealand prefers Xero

All of our advisors are trained in and regularly use Xero, and we’re a strong supporter of supporting a local business like Xero, so have made Xero our preferred accounting package.

Don’t use Xero?

If your business doesn’t use Xero - don’t worry. We can assist you to make a seamless transition, or we can work with other accounting software providers.

Want to know if your business can make more profit?

Book a no-obligation FREE Profit Leakage Analysis. We’ll help you to identify areas to improve profit and growth your business.


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