Top HR Companies in NZ

For New Zealand Businesses needing support with Human Resources

How often have you heard someone say “people are a business’s most important asset”?

People can be your most valuable asset, but they can also be your biggest headache and be a big expense if your Operations and Human Resources aren’t well looked after.

When you need support with your Human Resources, you can rely on the high-quality HR service providers below.

1. FixHR

About FixHR

FixHR exists to provide clients with high-calibre HR services. They achieve this by tailoring their services to suit different needs and customising their products so they are relevant to your circumstances and industry.

FixHR’s Services

FixHR starts with a baseline reset of HR documentation and procedures, providing business owners with confidence and support. Staff get certainty and security, meaning everyone sleeps better at night with HR taken care of.

  • Up-to-date Employment Agreements

  • Policy Handbooks

  • On-going HR support

  • Letters and forms to make your HR function professional and defensible

  • HR support for people acquiring an existing business

“FixHR’s services provide you with peace of mind, lawful processes and confidence so you can get back to doing what only you can do for your business.”

FixHR’s Location

The team are based in Auckland and work with SME businesses across the country.

Contact FixHR

Founder Ainsley Palairet says, “we really care for clients”, and “It’s about the difference we make”.

Visit FixHR here. 

2. Ann Andrews CSP

About Ann Andrews

Ann spent four years working with the Royal Marines in the UK and then trained as a work-study engineer. She subsequently spent over 30 years working with high-performing teams showing managers how to motivate their poor performers and encouraging employees to learn, unlearn and relearn.

She is an international speaker; author of 5 books and contributor to numerous others. She is passionate about good leadership because no team, business or country flourishes under a poor leader.

Ann Andrews’ Services

Ann is a Human Resources Consultant:

  • Keynote speaker on People, Leadership and HR

  • HR Consultation

  • HR Training

  • Leadership Training

  • Franchisee Management & Training

“Ann has worked with teams of all shapes and sizes; all colours and cultures and in a variety of sectors of business, from manufacturing to banking to conservation.”

Ann Andrews’ Location

Ann and her team are based in Auckland and work with businesses and individuals across the country, remotely and in person.

Contact Ann Andrews

“Ann firmly believes that if owners, managers and franchisors truly understood the power of unleashing their people, they would be staggered at the results they could achieve.”

Contact Ann Andrews via LinkedIn.

Do you know of any other great NZ HR Companies?

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